ST Engineering Antycip was selected as the car manufacturer’s partner for the development of the custom product design VR suites in India, South Korea and Brazil.

Renault designers rely on 4K collaborative powerwalls

ST Engineering Antycip has designed and integrated a virtual reality suite for the Renault Group.

Building on the companies’ previous collaborations in the VR world, ST Engineering Antycip was selected by Renault to develop a collaborative, 4K, powerwall-based solution which could be installed at Renault’s facilities in South Korea, India and Brazil.

The three powerwall systems, which run Renault’s own 4K-native software and content, will be used by the carmaker’s local teams for product design and review, and are also designed to collaborate with each other, as well as with Renault Group’s headquarters in Paris.

The trio of installations, in Busan (South Korea), Chennai (India) and São José dos Pinhais (Brazil), utilise three identical systems comprising one powerwall, one high-end 5m × 2.5m screen and one plinth-mounted Christie 4K10-HS laser projector. A PC cluster, monitor, desk, cabling, 5.1 audio system and wireless presentation hardware (Barco ClickShare) complete the solution, which was entirely sourced, designed and implemented by ST Engineering Antycip.

ST Engineering Antycip sourced most of the AV equipment locally to help with the logistics and keeping within budget, with the company also providing training on the new system through its local partners in each country.

“We used local suppliers to avoid delays – we didn’t want the products to get stuck at customs,” said Johan Besnainou, ST Engineering Antycip’s regional director for France and Spain. “We also found people to facilitate the installations locally, while offering our international expertise.”

Reference : AVinteractive