An energy-saving ban on the use of digital signage and Digital Out of Home screens will now only run from 10pm to 6am, rather than the 10pm to 4pm period in the initial regulations.

Germany makes digital signage ban less restrictive

The German government has cut back restrictions on the use of digital signage designed to curb energy usage.

The Federal Ministry of Economics has announced that illuminated advertising systems and Digital Out of Home (DOOH) screens will now just be subject to a ban from 10pm to 6am.

This was the government’s originally announced plan, but when regulations were published earlier this month the period of restriction had grown to 18 hours, from 10pm until 4pm the following day.

In addition, advertising systems for a business at the same location, such as a illuminated sign for the name of a shop, may continue to operate after 10pm. Advertising displays at sports and cultural events are also now exempt.

The lighting of public, non-residential buildings and monuments remains banned, except for lighting installed and operated during traditional or religious festivals such as Christmas.

Florian Rotberg, managing director of German digital signage consultancy invidis, commented:”Laws and regulations must make sense and be understandable for all stakeholders. An operating ban for illuminated and light-emitting advertising systems including DOOH and digital signage screens until 4pm during the day was neither sensible nor comprehensible.”

Rotberg said that 75% of the marketable advertising inventory on DOOH screens would have disappeared had the German government’s Energy Saving Ordinance been enforced until 4pm.

Reference : AVinteractive