Surely after purchasing any advertising display, another issue that you should take into account is interesting content preparation. If you can’t successfully do it, your advertisement will be a failure. Below, USER is some useful approaches to make the most generic of digital signage content.

make dynamic content


Content management of advertising devices is a significant thing that many digital signage owner have difficulties with it. Sometimes these content are that much boring that nobody even pay any attention. Here we prepared 3 useful tips that if you follow, you will take the most advantages from your digital signage.


Adding more graphical content

The easiest way to make your digital signage stand out is to simply add more content. If you are displaying one or two pieces of content like images and video, your advertising performance would be the same as static paper banners.

By having multiple pieces of content which change regularly, it will be more possible to stick in people’s mind. This visual variation is exactly what makes difference between your advertisement and other competitors.

Moreover, just adding some new content and keeping it for months is not effective and attractive enough for commuters, nowadays people are looking for the most updated things. The content needs to be relevant, useful and fit the environment( the weather, current events, customer moods and etc. ).

Adding sound

Another way to make your digital signage more interesting is to appeal not just to the eyes but also the ears. In other words, try adding some audio content to your digital signage.

Some ways to add audio content is: playing famous music videos on the display, video of customer’s comments, narration of latest seasonal offers. Or you could integrate entertaining videos on gas pump POS displays that play while customers pump their gas.

While adding the audio, on one hand, you should also consider the volume level should be low that it can’t be heard. On other hand, it shouldn’t be too high to annoy and bother in the employees and customers in business environment.

First entertain then sell

Finally, you need to remember that digital signage is more than just a sales tool, it’s a tool to communicate with your customers, If display signage can’t entertain and involve people in the first step, sales won’t happen.

There are many ways to do this, ranging from short-form videos from TikTop to social media integrations. The entertainment would be done more efficiently as if you were familiar with customer’s interest, This analysis on customer’s behavior is done by digital signage software.

And once you have their attention, you can follow it up with more traditional advertising. So it’s a win-win.