Netherlands hottest tech hub in Europe

The Netherlands has been dubbed the hottest tech hub in Europe, according to a report from Atomica, an international investment firm that works with disruptive technology companies.

The Netherlands is home to some of Europe’s biggest tech companies, such as Adyen, ASML, Just Eat Takeaway and Mollie, and is holds the fourth position globally by total market cap of public tech companies. It has more startups per 1 million population than the European average, and is in the top five European hubs by number of startups over $1 billion, according to Atomica.

“After years of building the tech ecosystem with all stakeholders, we are very happy with the overall state of Dutch tech, but we have to keep an eye on the hurdles as well,” Maurice van Tilburg, managing director, said in the release. “We could claim the position of being a leading ecosystem because there are so many companies that have the chance to be very successful here. If we want to remain relevant as a nation and competitive as an economy, full commitment to the challenges in technological development is vital.”

Reference: DigitalSignageToday